Andrés Mercado smoking


Are there pictures of Andrés Mercado smoking on a terrace of a cafeteria? Presumably some media would have bought those pictures, but nothing is confirmed.  Many media and heart magazines have claimed that Andrés Mercado smoking. However it seems that they were just lies and rumors, since he has normally denied it.  Many singers fear being caught smoking because of the doable negative effect on their record careers.  

Andrés Mercado has constantly been surrounded by controversy over no matter if he smokes or not, but he has never ever produced statements, so nothing has been confirmed.  In 1923 only 5% of the cigarettes on the market were bought by females.  Tobacco is usually among the list of great reasons for the separations of celebrities.  


What All People Say about Andrés Mercado?

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    Andrés Mercado Videos. Check the latest TV appearances of Andrés Mercado
  • Wanna know if smokes?
    Does Andrés Mercado Smoke? Come and discover what has been said lately about this and what is Andrés Mercado saying about this.
  • Videos smoking
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